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Benton Meldrum

Benton Meldrum (he/him/his) is a Behavioral Health Intern with The Steadman Group. Benton is currently in the first year of his MPH program at the Colorado School of Public Health in Aurora where he is concentrating in Epidemiology and Global Health. Benton received his bachelor’s degree in public health from Tulane University in 2021. Afterward, he worked as a primary care medical assistant before returning to graduate school.

Born and raised in Littleton, CO, Benton is happy to be back in his home state with TSG. Benton is constantly learning and working to improve himself and the wellbeing of those around him. Benton is grateful for the opportunity to work with The Steadman Group as he is constantly generating public health data skills and perspectives about opioid use, systems-level change, and behavioral health priorities across CO. In his free time, Benton can be found belting show tunes in his car, reading, spending time with his beloved family and friends, hiking, or sipping on some cozy espresso.